Foreign nationals killed after mortar attack hits Halane base in Somalia's

Tuesday November 05, 2024 - 01:53:33 in Wararka by Super Admin
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    Foreign nationals killed after mortar attack hits Halane base in Somalia's

    At least three foreign nationals lost their lives on Sunday in a mortar attack targeting the heavily fortified Halane base in Mogadishu, which houses diplomatic missions, including those of the United States, United Kingdom, and the United Nations.

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At least three foreign nationals lost their lives on Sunday in a mortar attack targeting the heavily fortified Halane base in Mogadishu, which houses diplomatic missions, including those of the United States, United Kingdom, and the United Nations.
Images circulating on social media revealed significant damage to buildings within the Halane base, where the mortar shells struck both office and residential areas, underscoring the severity of the attack. 

The Al-Qaeda-affiliated militant group Al-Shabaab has asserted responsibility for the attack, marking a dramatic escalation in its operations within the capital, despite the pronounced presence of security forces patrolling the city. 

The African Union Transition Mission (ATMIS), which maintains a presence at the base, condemned the attack, asserting that it would not deter their ongoing efforts to restore stability in Somalia. However, the mission refrained from addressing the casualties caused by the mortar shells. 

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