'Al-Shabaab kills government official' in Kenya

Tuesday May 16, 2017 - 15:22:19 in News In English by Dahir Alasow
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    'Al-Shabaab kills government official' in Kenya


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Suspected Al-Shabaab militants killed a government administrative official in Omar Jillo town in northern Mandera county on Tuesday, according to police.

Mandera police coordinator Mohamud Saleh told Anadolu Agency via phone the attackers had raided the house of the official, known locally as chief, and killed him. Chiefs in Kenya are responsible for a part of the town.

Saleh said additional police officers had been sent to the area to pursue the assailants who were last seen heading towards the Kenya-Somali border, about 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) from the town.

Two security officers from the Kenya Police Reservists were also missing, he added.

Last week, Al-Shabaab allegedly killed two quarry workers in northern Elwak town.

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