Ethiopia:Torture of President Abdi Iley -Orommia bosses who believe anyone against their ambition to claim entire Ethiopia to be killed or arrested.

Friday September 14, 2018 - 08:29:40 in News In English by Super Admin
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    Ethiopia:Torture of President Abdi Iley -Orommia bosses who believe anyone against their ambition to claim entire Ethiopia to be killed or arrested. - Orommo soldiers have tortured former Somali region in Ethiopia president Abdi Mohamud Omar inside the jail, while his mother, Mrs Deeb, and his wife Sadikaa were with him, independent media reported.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - Orommo soldiers have tortured former Somali region in Ethiopia president Abdi Mohamud Omar inside the jail, while his mother, Mrs Deeb, and his wife Sadikaa were with him, independent media reported.

nvestigation carried out Waagacusub media confirmed that Mr Abdi Mohamud was tortured badly and he is now in a coma, ever since 10 September.
Even though military officials from Tigray and Amhara communities flabbergasted about the reason Orommo soldiers dared to torture him in front of his close family members, two nights before that day, the former president was dipped into very cold water.  The reason was to make false testimony against a General from Tigray community whose name is General Abraham.
Abdi Mohamud Omar will appear a court in Addis Ababa on 14 September 2018.  He is not charged to have tortured Somalis inside Jail Ogaden, but was charged that he organized burning a church in Jigjiga while Orommo bishops were inside the church, and four Christians have died as a result of that action.
Abiy Ahmed’s government asked church bishops to testify falsely against Abdi Mohamud, but they refused, and said that their faith doesn’t allow to make such fabrications.
They added that Abdi was kind to them and used to give them money during their festive seasons.  They said he was paying visits, just like the way he visited muslims in Jigjiga.
Ethiopia Police commissioner General Zeynu Jemal denied that Abdi Mohamud was tortured badly, but that is utter lie, according Amhara officials who dislike the behaviour of the Orommia bosses who believe anyone against their ambition to claim entire Ethiopia to be killed or arrested.
By Dahir Alasow

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