Ministry of Labour becomes the most corrupted Ministry in Somali government

Thursday May 18, 2017 - 22:09:16 in News In English by Dahir Alasow
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    Ministry of Labour becomes the most corrupted Ministry in Somali government


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Reports from the staff working in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the federal government say that the Ministry is floating in the middle of corruption since Minister Saleh Ahmed Jama has taken the office.

Employees of the Ministry are facing great panic coming from the new Minister based on insults, mistreatment, curved question and violations by the Minister Saleh Ahmed Jama against the employees, according to reliable sources.

Employees who have been working for years elaborated that the main objective of the Minister is to terminate, the long serving employees who have been working in hard conditions for the government in particular in the Ministry.

Saleh Ahmed Jama, does not regularly attend ministry, but instead attends once in a week, he is often busy with hiring individuals who will work on his own interest, and use them as the bridge to rob the allocated money of the Ministry.

Radio Shabelle will investigative reports and focus on the problems which the employees in the Ministry of Labour are facing. In fact the employees of the Ministry of Labour were expected to be the best employees of the federal government when it comes to giving respect to employees.

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