15 Killed In Renewed Somali-Oromo Clashes In Moyale
Waagacusub.com- At least 10 people are reported dead after renewed ethnic clashes between Gabbra and Somalis flared up on the Ethiopian border town Moyale, Waagacusub reports.
The fighting erupted on Sunday and went on to Monday before intervention by the Federal Police.
The Gabra and Boran sub-ethnic groups of Oromo are said to be mobilising againts the Garre Somalis. Medical sources put the number of those injured at 20s while hundreds are said to have been displaced.
Somalis in Moyale have appealed to the Somali State of Ethiopia President Mustafa Omer and the international community to urgently respond to what they term "massacre” and "displacement of entire communities”.
"So called Ethiopian National Army is in Moyale and fighting in the town between communities is going on for two days. Is Moyale part of this country?. Moyale people deserve better attention” a local resident told Waagacusub
The resident said gunshots were heard on Wednesday around 5 am.
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Waagacusub TV
15 Killed In Renewed Somali-Oromo Clashes In Moyale
Waagacusub.com- At least 10 people are reported dead after renewed ethnic clashes between Gabbra and Somalis flared up on the Ethiopian border town Moyale, Waagacusub reports. The fighting erupted on Sunday and went on to Monday before interventio