Vehicle explosion in Hodan district, Mogadishu

Tuesday July 09, 2019 - 03:30:28 in News In English by Ali Adan
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    Vehicle explosion in Hodan district, Mogadishu FILE A vehicle Land cruiser has exploded in Sona K area of Hodan district in the capital Mogadishu on early Monday morning. Witnesses have confirmed the vehicle was crossing through a blocked security crossroads but later expl

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus FILE A vehicle Land cruiser has exploded in Sona K area of Hodan district in the capital Mogadishu on early Monday morning. Witnesses have confirmed the vehicle was crossing through a blocked security crossroads but later exploded after they were stopped by the security forces in near junction.
National Intelligence Security Agency said on their twitter that the police have intercepted a vehicle loaded with explosives before it detonated.
The land cruiser vehicle loaded with explosives was intercepted by the security forces before it detonated.


No casualties were reported from the attack but several buildings across the area were destroyed.

Security forces have immediately arrived at the area of the attack and halt the movement of vehicles to conducting investigations.

No group has still claimed the attack.

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