Deal with FGS dead, Alhusunna says, accuses Govt of deploying Al-Shabaab defector-led troops

Tuesday August 27, 2019 - 21:19:24 in News In English by Ali Adan
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    Deal with FGS dead, Alhusunna says, accuses Govt of deploying Al-Shabaab defector-led troops The moderate Islamist group AlhusunnaWalJamaa has declared the deal signed with the Federal Government in July to merge forces dead, accusing Mogadishu of violating terms of the agreement.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus The moderate Islamist group AlhusunnaWalJamaa has declared the deal signed with the Federal Government in July to merge forces dead, accusing Mogadishu of violating terms of the agreement.

In a terse statement Tuesday Alhusunna leader Ahmed Shakir lashed at the Federal Government accusing it of breach of agreements and called on the group’s followers and militias ‘to defend their land’.

Responding to the deployment of Federal forces in Dhusamareb, Shakir accused the government of sending in troops ‘lead by former Al-Shabaab’ leaders.

Alhusunna fought and successfully ejected Al-Shabaab from lands in controlled in central Somalia.

Shakir’s reactions come amid enhanced deployment of security machinery by the Federal Government in Dhusamareb.

A contingent of Somali Army troops in two planes landed in Dhusamareb Sunday and today, two other planes carrying armoured vehicles arrived in in the town.

The enforcement according to Federal Government sources is aimed at protecting the reconciliation conference targeting clans in Galmudug state set to start soon.

Prime Minister Hassan Khaire has in the last three months made significant inroads in Galmudug which culminated in the integration of Alhusunna forces into the national army. But today’s statement by Shakir is likely to jeorpardise this development.

Further, Shakir said he ‘got the assurance of AMISOM’ not to ‘intervene’ in Galmudug amid reports AMISOM was to deploy in Galmudug state.

The row between Alhusunna and Galmudug state administration which had been ongoing since the state formation in 2015 subsided last December following an agreement that resulted in the formation of a fractious unity government.

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