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Xiisadda iyo isbedelka Siyaasadda.
Villa Somalia and Jubaland now teeter on the edge of full-blown war
Foreign nationals killed after mortar attack hits Halane base in Somalia's
Somalia to relocate Ethiopian embassy from presidential palace
Sweden journalist killed by gunmen in Somalia
Somali President Envy of Ethiopia poses a danger to Somalia and the Horn of Africa
Turkey's research vessel to begin exploration in Somalia
Dilaagii Afduubtay Wariye Michael Scott Moore oo Mareykanka tahriib ku galay.
Topnews:- Ganacsade ka tegay Mareykanka oo dib u maalgelinaya burcad badeeda Somalia.
[DAAWO] Dhul Free ah, Degmada ugu quruxda badan Galmudug
Topnews:- Liiska Magacyada iyo qabiilada dadkii ku dhintay weerarkii shirkadaha Electronic-ga.
[Topnews:-] Sarkaalkii Muqdisho ka Afduubtay Saraakiishii Sirdoonka Faransiiska oo Mareykanka u tahriibay.